This week we focused on milling and programming the fab.isp board. My exciting adventure is below!
First, I downloaded the two files that I needed for the board: the traces and the outline.
Next, I went I went into Ubuntu in order to upload the images into fab modules in order to prepare my path for milling.
After everything was in order, I used the Modela MDX40 in order to mill the traces for my board. After I finished milling the traces, I milled the outline in order to cut the board out.
After the Modela finished milling the board, I then gathered all of the components that I needed, and began to solder them to the board. This was a LOT harder than I thought it would be...
After my board was finally put together, I connected it to another programmer and my computer in order to program it.
After I set up a development environment, downloaded the firmware package, and edited the makefile in order to use the AtTiny4A microcontroller, I programmed my programmer in the command prompt. Alas, I had a programmer of my own!